Thursday, July 05, 2012

Half-way ... already.

So, here we are.. half way through Summer.
I am not read for it to end. 
It has been busy but it has been fun.
It has been so nice not to lay clothes out or have homework..
But it is a matter of time before all three of them..
Yes three of them... will be hitting the books.
Matt-Daddy will fire up the homework along with the three minions... 
Between the work and swim team two a days..
Whew... It can whoop a Momma ;)
My photography has picked up a good bit and I have had to
figure out how to juggle working from home during the Summer.
It has been a struggle.
I find myself getting most of my edits etc. done late at night...
When i should be sleeping..
But I am SO not complaining.
I am just very behind.

This is SO Stoney...
I mean you have no idea.
He has learned to swim this Summer...finally.
We are hopeful he will be ready to be on Swim team next year.

Speaking of swim team...
Stormy rocked it this season!!
A fist full of ribbons, hanging with old friends
and making new ones, she has had a blast!

My girl after being in the pool with her red eyes.
She has been a swimming fool this Summer.
It still amazes me at the amount of energy they both can muster
on a daily basis.

She got three awards at the end of season too.
Most dedicated and a medal for most improved...
She was also awarded a coaches whistle.
Only six I think were given out from the coaches.
Out of like 80 or 90 kids...
they took notice that when she couldn't swim the last meet
because of her ding dang ear and missed several practices,
she still wanted to be there to cheer her mates on from the stands.
That is so how she is.
She wouldn't have had it any other way.

When she did swim... she was on it! We loved watching her be competitive
and have such a good time
The whistle meant the most..
She loves Coach Laney and Coach Laney is the one who awarded her the whistle.
Her voice cracked while she was talking about Stormy...
She loves those kids... ALL of them.
She is amazing and has truly found her calling.
Working/teaching kids is where she is a passion.
She also gave Stoney swim lessons ;)
We can't wait to see you again next Summer Laney!

Our girl when she was laid out with an infection in her ear canal...
She and the great Pipponie were holding the couch down together ;)

We still have a certain Stoney's birthday to celebrate this Summer
and a short trip to the beach.
Was to be longer but it didn't work out.
I mean a long weekend at the beach is better than a long one
at home.. right?
We will take what we can get.

I still have edits to finish and cd's to pop
in the mail before we leave..
not to mention some Wimbledon to watch!


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