Thursday, May 24, 2012

Girl Minion

Where has the last school year gone?
I mean weren't we just having Christmas parties?

This one had a full year of fourth grade.

She laughed, loved and learned with her friends.
A lot.
Now, they will be gearing up for fifth grade.
The is the last year at our wonderful Elementary school for her.
Stoney will still have three more years :)

She finished the year with perfect attendance.
Last year she missed one day due to surgery, but
not for lack of begging the Dr. could she please wait
until Summer? :)

She also finished the year with all A's and two B's.
Her teacher's were nothing short of amazing.
You know the kind you wish you could take with you
until she graduates?

She has started swim team this summer.
Two-a-days even.
A week ago she could only do free style and could not dive (correctly).

Almost two weeks later...
She can swim the back stroke, the breast stroke
and the butterfly...
The butterfly?
Not an easy thing. She does it with ease.
She amazes me once again.
Oh, and she can dive correctly like she has
been doing it forever.

Her first swim meet is next week.
She is nervous
I'm nervous for her.
Most, if not all these kids have been doing this for a few years.
I just want her to have fun.
Tough thing for a competitive ten year old.
I mean competitive in every sense of the word.
We shall see...

I hope your summer is off to a great start.
My countdown is on for the beach ;)


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