Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Night...

It was a White Christmas after all.
I couldn't believe it...  In all my years. I had never seen a White Christmas.
And here in Southtowne?? There hasn't been one since 1882.
So, thank you Heat Miser for that cold, white, quiet gift this year.

Christmas Morning

 So Christmas morning arrives.. and It arrives EARLY. Like Stoney came in
our room at 4:44 a.m. ??? Really? Wow. He got in our bed and we said let's try to go
back to sleep, just till the sun comes up. The night before we told them not to come
out until 6a.m. or the sun was up.
Yea.. Not.
So we laid there for 15 minutes and we were wide awake. I said "Let's go on and get up.
Go wake your Sister". He tore off to their room and in they came and we never looked
back. I felt for sure we would all get a nap in at some point during the day...
Not. So. Much.
Christmas morning is only once a year..
We lived and here are the pictures to prove it.

A very Cool K & S if I do say so myself :)

Watching Sister opening some of her gifts :)

There is a little of the Bumblebee helmet that Santa brought Stoney. It was a HUGE hit :)

Stoney was a little surprised :)

It was early.. so early.... *yawn*

Matt-Daddy opening some goodies :)

Some of the aftermath..

Showing off some of her loot. And no.. her lips aren' t chapped. The Hawaiian
punch mix on the water bottle stains her lips. Haha :)
So.. That was the morning. We watched movies and the radar too most of the day.
I kept seeing so many of my friends in AL where I grew up talk about all the snow that
was falling. They said it would be just North of us.. and it was for awhile.

I hope your Christmas morning was wonderful and memorable
and you got everything you wanted :)


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Eve..

 So it was a rare Christmas Eve in our home.. Matt-Daddy was off work! He was still on call but.. hey we will take what we can get.
 Everything was clean. We decided to watch a movie and rented Toy Story 3.
It was really good. I was not disappointed. The kids enjoyed it too.
It was so nice to just be all together.
There was even rumor of snow on Christmas Day.. Really? Snow? On Christmas Day?
We shall see.. The latest radar said if it fell it would be North of us.
It was also my Big Brother Zach's birthday. I don't like not seeing him on his birthday.
But I called..we texted. I sent pictures..
I hope your Christmas Eve was enjoyable.

There's Ken.. He's FAB-U-Lous! ;)

Kick back on Matt-Daddy enjoying the movie..
This was my view.. I loved it ;)

You know..... one of those RARE moments... ;)

Enjoying an apple...

Stoney saving the world....

                                                         Stormy watching Toy Story 3...

Stormy and her constant friend.. She loves this yoga ball... She had a blue one for a few years
It met its demise earlier this year.. The Easter bunny brought her a new one ;)

My Sweet Boys... My two favorite Boys...

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